Whether it is filling out applications, writing in my journal, writing letters with photos attached to my Grandma down in Oregon, handwriting is bliss...happiness...relaxing.

In a world were technology is so prevalent and mainstream, it is easy to forget how things first started....with a pen, a piece of paper, and some ink. According to research that is out there, handwriting also keeps the brain in tip-top working order, sharper than ever. Not only that, but handwriting helps the brain to remember and retain information better than the screen and keyboard does.
Here is another article that you may find interesting. "4 Benefits of Writing by Hand" - Chris Gayomali. This article also comes with some references to research studies, and information that you might find interesting.
I agree! I think it's a shame that they aren't teaching penmanship in most schools anymore. At least that's what I hear. I can't imagine not being able to take pen in hand. I really can't. I've been writing since I was nine--outside of school, that is. ;) There is something much more intimate and contemplative about a handwritten letter vs an email. So very different to me. I do think it is such a different way of learning, too--yes. I can't imagine a world without paper, pens, inks...and books, too.